Youth T-Shirts by Study Coach Supporting STEM Learning
Study Coach Educational Online Supply Store at Amazon is encouraging youths to get involve with STEM Learning. Our Youth Trainee T-shirts are designed to help all children explore careers options including STEM careers. The Study Coach brand T-shirt collection are available at and at Our youngsters could become the next Galileo Galilei, Charles Darwin, Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Stephen Hawking, Rosalind Franklin, Patricia Bath, Shirley Ann Jackson or Mae Carol Jemison (engineer and astronaut). Yes, women are also engineers and they’ve been to space. Some of these scientists achieved world fame but if you’re not familiar with their work we would encourage you to research them. You could facilitate learning by getting young learners to create a fact-file on one or two of these scientists.
STEM Learning
STEM is all about engaging with Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics. Science, Mathematics and Technology are great subjects and they are all on the national school curriculum just waiting to be explored. There is a shortfall of engineers in the world and so Study Coach would like to encourage more youths to get involve with STEM Learning. Furthermore, there is a tendency for girls to steer clear of STEM subjects, Study Coach would like to encourage girls from all backgrounds to study Science.
Youth T-Shirts and STEM Learning
Learning support can come in a range of form and the T-shirts are certainly a form of learning support, since they will facilitate young people to learn about job roles, expectations and professional skills. Having an awareness of a potentially suitable career will encourage young people to research the career and look into possibilities. Youths will begin to develop independent career guidance skills.
From our experience working in Secondary and Further Education, many learners lack knowledge about career options. Morel Benard at Study Coach would like to give young people a head start by raising awareness at an early age about the world of work and how to plan to realise potential.
Study Coach and Trainee Scientist T-Shirt
Scientists are the game changers in the world and we need more scientists. The Study Coach Scientist T-Shirt is designed to help youths start a conversation about the work of the scientist, equipment used, range of job roles, relevance of school subjects to careers in science and the importance of STEM Learning.
Primary School Children and Trainee Scientist
Young children will have fun wearing their Trainee Scientist T-shirt while they learn about the world of science and play at being the Scientist, raising awareness about carrying out experiments will also help children to engage with maths and technology and facilitate learning about job roles.
T-Shirt Gifts for Boys & Girls
Trainee Career T-Shirts can make a super holiday or birthday gift but you don’t need a formal occasion to gift a child a t-shirt. Study Coach Trainee Career T-Shirt could make a difference to a young person’s life, it says that someone else believe in the young person’s hopes and dreams and is encouraging them to work hard and smart to make the dream a reality. They may want to consider life as a future Scientist, Nurse, Lawyer or they might have an interest in food and want to become a Chef. We have a range of t-shirts to choose from and we aim to facilitate young people to look at possibilities and to grow in confidence.
Youth Trainee T-Shirts and Amazon
Some children at a very early age already know what kind of career they wish to pursue, others will need more time to explore options, to find out what careers are out there. Many young people at age 16 preparing for college are still unsure about career options and how to plan to explore these options. Study Coach T-shirts worn at home, school or socially will help to raise awareness about careers, encourage youths to learn more about career options, help youths boost their career plans and facilitate them to take action. Trainee T-Shirts will help young people to reach their potential and attain relevant skills, competencies, learn about the world of work and link competencies in school curriculum. For example, wearing the Trainee Scientist T-shirt will help to promote opportunities that STEM careers provides, the shirts could help to change mindset especially for girls and youths who may feel marginalised. Study Coach Trainee T-shirts are available at
Study Coach Educational Online Supply Store – Amazon
We have a range of career t-shirts that youths (boys and girls) should find of interest. We would like to encourage parents, families and friends to gift a t-shirt to inspire a youth, this could further help to build a child’s self-esteem, it could help a child to feel worthy about their potential to succeed. The range of t-shirts includes: Youth Trainee Doctor T-Shirt, Trainee Entrepreneur T-Shirt. Please visit youth t-shirt study coach and take a look, you should find the following link useful: